The challenge is to establish long-term cooperation between players in the building, employment and training sectors at national level (Ministry of Labour, Health and Solidarity and Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion), as well as at regional, inter-municipal and employment area level. In order to consolidate the action levers proposed by the BUS2 community, it is necessary to establish long-term collaboration between players at all levels. 

« The BUS2 conclusions will be incorporated into the Interministerial Plan for structuring the building energy renovation sector, in particular for actions relating to the renovation of private housing stock and training. »

Natacha Nass - 2024

  • Project Manager "Energy renovation work offer", Interministerial coordination mission for the energy renovation plan for buildings, General Directorate for Planning, Housing and Nature
Photo Natacha Nass

9 of the 17 national BUS2 action proposals are included in the interministerial plan for structuring the Energy Renovation of Buildings sector, led by the Interministerial Coordination Mission of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion. By integrating the national EDEC (Commitment for the Development of Employment and Skills) for Energy-efficient Renovation of Buildings, supported by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Solidarity, into this plan, consistency is ensured between the ecological transition of buildings, employment and skills.

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