The Build Up Skills 2 project, co-sponsored by ADEME and Alliance Ville Emploi (AVE), and co-financed by the European LIFE programme, has led to the creation of a mobilised and involved community of 433 public and private players in the sector's value chain: building professionals, local authorities, training bodies, players in the property sector, etc. All these players have contributed their expertise and experience to building a global vision of the issues at stake throughout the various stages of the project. 

The governance of the BUS2 project is organised around the Strategic Orientation Committee (COS), the Steering and Monitoring Committee (COPIL) and the ADEME-AVE Consortium. In order to guarantee a global vision of the objectives to be met and the means to achieve them, these stakeholders, as well as a number of contributors with varied areas of expertise and status, have been consulted at each stage to propose, validate and share the results and proposals. To achieve this, a series of thematic workshops, interviews with experts and an online public consultation were carried out in complete co-construction with these stakeholders.

Gouvernance BUS2
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