The BUS2 project is being carried out in consortium by ADEME and Alliance Villes Emploi (AVE):

At ADEME, we are resolutely committed to the fight against global warming and the degradation of resources. On all fronts, we are mobilising citizens, economic players and local and regional authorities, giving them the means to move towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon, fairer and more harmonious society.

In all areas - energy, the circular economy, food, mobility, air quality, adapting to climate change, soil, etc. - we advise on, facilitate and help finance numerous projects, from research to sharing solutions. At every level, we put our expertise and foresight at the service of public policy.

ADEME is a public body under the authority of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Founded in 1993, Alliance Villes Emploi is the national network of local authorities involved in issues of integration, employment and economic development. It brings together more than 200 local councillors of all political hues, united by the conviction that the most appropriate level of intervention is at local level, in living and employment areas.

As such, the association federates the tools and mechanisms deployed by its members, in particular the Maisons de l'Emploi (MDEs) and the Plans Locaux pour l'Insertion et l'Emploi (PLIEs), and runs the network of facilitators of the social inclusion clause.

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