An online public consultation, open from 15 December 2023 to 15 January 2024, was set up in parallel with the collaborative workshops, with a view to promoting consultation and opening up the project to a wider audience. The aim was to get feedback from as many people as possible, including players in the sector who had not yet taken part in the project, on the proposed actions to be carried out with a view to the ecological transition of the building sector.

From the outset of the consultation, the actions were presented in terms of the 3 strategic areas identified by the BUS2 community of stakeholders:

•   Focus 1 : Supporting the performance market in construction and renovation
•    Focus 2 : Encouraging recruitment and retaining employees in the sector
•    Focus 3 : Developing training

Around twenty additional proposals were also submitted for input in order to prioritise them in relation to each other and to best reflect the identified needs of the people who make up the construction, employment and training sector.

In the space of just one month, many of you have contributed to the BUS2 action proposals, lent your support, shared your best practices and pointed out points to watch out for! A big thank you to all the contributors who have made this consultation so rewarding!

Online consultation key results

The contributions from the online consultation were subsequently incorporated into the final version of the BUS2 guidelines and action proposals.

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